Family Dog

By Family_Dog

a week at a time

Look how far through my preggers book I'm getting.....

This book is the only written document I can actually concentrate onthese days. I only ever read 1 week in advance so I don't: a) jinx things b) terrify myself c) get over excited, so although the book is at week 33 (and I, myself, am at week 33) I only know what to do up till week 34.

At my babyshower on Sunday (click one back to see more), my friend Lucy said that her little girl came at week 37. Her husband kept saying 'you can't be in labour, the book says it doesn't happen till later'. This made me laugh. I wonder if I'll come early?

Seeing as I've never done anything early in my life, I am fairly certain that this won't happen early either - although, I have a sneaky suspicion it doesn't work like that!

This week in the book is BRILLIANT. It's full to the brim o' lists. Hoorah for the mighty list. This week I am able to make a list of things I need for me for the hospital in a wee bag (gargantuan pads and not much more), things I need for me for the hospital in a big bag (gargantuan pads, 6 nighties and not much more) things I need for the baby in the hospital (shed loads of stuff), things Bry might need as my birthing partner (nerves of steel, change of clothes and something in tie-dye cos that's all he's allowed to wear if he thinks he's getting in my bleeding birthing pool).

Other lists I need to make are:

1) Things I should have for the baby by now (much, much more than we have...a t-shirt with 'future DJ' might not seem essential to the baby's needs but we consider it a must)

2) Things I need to put into my birthing plan (can I please have a baby really quickly, with no pain, followed by a big glass of wine and perhaps a celebratory fag and a stomach flatter than it was before I got up le spout?)

3) I think that covers it actually.

Quite a list of lists I need to make up eh? Quite a list indeed. Now, where's my notebook, coloured pens, highlighters and ruler?

And you think I'm joking.....

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