must try harder

By halfcj

Opportunity Lost

Had my next appointment from the last visit to Kingston hospital, got to go back for some minor surgery in a month or so, quite happy with the outcome actually!

B's sister arrived back in the UK for a brief visit, so B picked me up from Kingston after and we shot down to Kent for something to eat and a few bevvies. Good to see them both. Excited as our niece arrives tomorrow and we'll see them all on Sunday! Can't wait!

Whilst waiting for B, I walked down a road where we had put an offer in on a house a few years ago now. It was a great house. 5 Bed, huge living area, but a bit of work needed to be done as it was being used by students (we think) as a house share. Our offer was for £225K, but it unfortunately had subsidence, so with it and other work needed almost another £75K spending, but that was in our budget at that time.

We progressed, dead excited. Mortgage co. sent their guy in to review the subsidence, and only 2 days later, we got the call. It was a no go. Although they agreed the work could be completed and certified safe and compliant for the budget we had allowed, they would not lend. Almost a month it took us to find another Mortgage co. who would take it on. Fantastic! Called the Agent, who was very find another offer of £240K had been accepted via another agent that very morning! Lost. All that effort, excitement. The adrenalin of the high. The deflation of the low.

I stopped in an Estate Agents at the end of the road whilst I waited for B. Very similar house not much more that a 100 yards from it had a sold sticker on it's details. Just shy of £1m.

Effing Mortgage Company!

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