Family Dog

By Family_Dog


I swithered about doing this, worried about what people would think mainly, but then I decided to do it because I wanted to record this year as best I could. And the bad bits come with the good bits don't they?

This is our dear, beloved friend Esteban. We found out last night that he was killed in a motorbike accident in Thailand at the weekend. I am not going to pour out my grief here, that's for me and my loved ones.

This is my absolute favourite photo of him. Dancing at Pure. Totally & utterly in the moment. Just as all our lives at Pure were totally in the moment. The butterflies in the tummy on a Friday at work, phone calls going back and forward - plans, plans, plans. Meeting up, going for beers. The excitement building as it got closer to heading along. Walking along Calton Road, chatting loudly, jostling for a space on the pavement, the thud-thud-thud of the music in the air. And then - the Venue. With smoke spewing out the doors like there was some kind of industry going on inside (and there was!). Oh it was a beautiful sight to behold. The untold fun that was about to be had. Bass coming up through your feet, condensation dripping from the ceiling and everywhere you turned - the smiles of your friends. The ones you knew and the ones you didn't.

It was something pretty special - as only you will know if you shared in it. And the friendships that were made there, they seem to last forever.

So back to Stephen. He had the biggest smile you could imagine. When he laughed at something his mouth took over his whole face. He was always happy to tell you how much he loved you. He was a beach bum and an adventurer and was always up for a laugh. Somehow you always found yourself being profoundly naughty when you were with him.

We are lucky and blessed to have had him. It's just so sad we had to say goodbye.

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