
By PrimeMart

Wheat Field Ripening

Very gloomy today, with the odd ray of sunshine, and the weather is the same but with added wind (the weather not me.)

This wheatfield has been 'done' before by myself, and Running Backwards but hopefully not yet done to death.

In other exciting news... apparently 71% of us (whole society, not just blippers) define themselves as middle class. (BBC website) I think that 36% of all statistics are made up on the spot! Similarly four thirds of people do not understand statistics!

The statistic is quoted in an article about use of the word chavs as demonisation of the poor. It goes on to say:

"A belief has grown that the aspirational "decent" working class has become middle class, Jones argues. According to this narrative, what is left behind is a "feckless rump" housed on estates, living off benefits or working in low status jobs at supermarkets, hairdressers or fast food outlets."

Are we really headed that way??

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