Mrs Unremarkable

By MrsUnremarkable


My friend & close neighbour up here (Poppy) kindly invited me to have a look/nosey round Roeberry House which is that large building in the background. It is fabulous inside, the result of the owners painstaking restoration project. At the moment they have six of the cutest spaniel puppies in the kitchen - so much oohing and aahing was going on! So if you ever find yourself in this beautiful part of Orkney (and we decline to put you up for a couple of days) you must stay at this most impressive of B & B's. You will not be disappointed.

We later went on to the beach. This is a photo of Ollie, Poppy's much photographed pooch.

Off to Stromness to meet Jibba off the ferry. His first train was at 6.38am so I think he might well be ready for a beer or three.

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