In The Occupied Territory

By FinHall

Walking on Sunshine

This guy in the photograph is what you would probably call " A local Character." You often see him walking about, mainly in the King Street, Bridge of Don area of the city. He wears a kilt, complete with belts and shawls and all sorts of stuff, and has now taken to wearing leather like trouser or leggings, which in this weather must be pretty darn warm.
I have never got that close to him to see if he might be a bit, shall we say?, ripe. What with him being a bit overdressed.
This was taken as we drove past him in my wife's car. I do hope one day to get a much better picture of him to show him in his full glory.
Today is The Festival Of St. Vitus, he of the dance. he is supposed to protect against epilepsy, lightning and oversleeping.
Go figure.

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