It's a dogs life!

By LilytheLab

Having a ball....or is it a glove?!!

Well, today when Daddy took me out for my morning walk, I was most upset. It was SUCH a boring walk. I had to stay on my lead the whole time, even when we bumped into my friend Daisy (see yesterday's blip). She was there, chasing her ball and having a WHALE of a time and I just had to trot along with daddy. Hummmppppppphhhhh. I did ALOT of refusing to walk, I just looked at him in disgust.

Then when we got home I had to go straight in the boot of the car and we were off. We were in the car for agggeeeesss. We got stuck in a jam on the motorway, so I sat up and smiled at all the other people in their cars. It was quite hot in the car. Every now and then I looked over at mum to see "if we were there yet?" and she kept saying nearly there Lily, nearly there. She really does lie sometimes! It was a long time! but the reason for my short boring walk soon became clear.......

WOW. WOW. WOW. We arrived at Granny and Grampy's extra big garden in the country. It was FANTASTIC. I have never been there before and BOY I want to go again already. There were LOADS of places to run and explore. The grass was really long in the field and I boiiinnnggged and boiiinnnnnggged my way through after my ball. I kept loosing it in the grass but I always sniffed it out again. It was SOOOOO much fun.

Then when everyone was eating their lunch I found my way around the back of the barn and saw these lovely looking things in the next field. They were makin a nnnaaaaannnnnnyyyyyy noise. I found my way to a gap and was just about to jump through and go and play with them when Aunty Beth found me! Hee heee. Apparently they were goats and I wouldn't have been very popular if I had made it through to them. I wonder whether goats poop is a good perfume smell? I will have to try again next time I visit ;-)

I had great fun running off and adventuring on my own. Then mum would do her yodelling holler for me and I would find my way back to them all for a chicken treat. Mum really is sounding much more exciting these days. Her voice seems to have got louder and more high. Daddy puts his fingers in his ears, but I think she sounds GREAT and there is always chicken when I get back to her!

We had a lovely walk down through the woods to the stream at the bottom, so I got to play in some water :-) and you know how much I LOVE water. It wasn't deep enough to swim, but great for a wallow and drink. Uncle Shaun gave mum some camera lessons. She is trying hard to remember it all (but she is getting old now so she might not be very good at that ;-))

When we got back to the top I found Grampy's gardening glove and ran off with it! Hee hee. I did LOADS of boingy boingy through the grass and mum and Uncle Shaun chased me around with their cameras. I LOVE stealing things and running off with them. I always look at everyone and say CAN'T CATCH ME!!!! heee heeee.

I really have had such a lovely time. My legs are VERY tired tonight after all that boinging. I hope we can go again soon, there was still so much that I want to explore and I am determined to investigate those things called goats. They look VERY interesting :-)

Bye for now
Lily xxx

Look at Uncle Shauns other pics from today here. He is sooooooo clever :-)

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