Planko's Pics

By planko


The sun was shining in the capital today which made for a very pleasant lunchtime walk. Didn't have a blip in the bag until i stumbled upon this Orange street performer. His hair, beard, t-shirt and props were all orange. He really should seek sponsorship from the phone company.

With the festival only a handfull of weeks away and the better weather hopefully staying there seems to be more and more of them on the street each day.

I've watched this guy several times, last time he was doing an escape act. Today, he was swallowing this long orange balloon.

Decided to work from home tomorrow so i can go to Pesky Princesses school prize-giving at lunchtime. Hopefully i will get my 365th shot out of that, otherwise i'll be on the hunt for something later in the day as i havent a clue what to do.


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