Another Spain

By tmyers437

Happy Endings

The All-American Rejects

Another beautiful sunrise on lake Marion. This time I got the boats and oars in the picture too. This morning we went out on the lake for the last time. We came in early because we had to load the boats on the trailer. The Men's Crew team is leaving today and they brought the boats so they have to take them back.

For afternoon's practice we went running for 45 mins in the woods. Then for this evening's practice we played a game! We got our team animals this evening. Guess what I am!? Not a penguin. I'm a camel.

Ok so here is the story behind why I'm a camel. When we were traveling to our first regatta, we hit a bump in the road and the straw that I was drinking from came out of my mouth causing me to spit everywhere. so my nickname has been "spitter". and now I'm a Camel. Great.

Anyways. later we went to this local "Tater"( Gator) grill, Bar karaoke place. I spent most of my time playing pool, but I did sing "American Pie". The girls I was singing with left me! so I was up there all by myself. But that is my favorite song so I didn't care!! When we got back to camp we were going to go "Gator Hunting" but I only made in 10 feet in the woods before I freaked out and left. So instead of getting to see a gator, I talked to my boyfriend.

I'm so ready to go back home. Even though I had a great time at Camp.

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