All about Lallybroch

By Lallybroch

Loch Tay

Very busy day today.

Another early start from Ethan who woke at 5.50am. Still, at least he's sleeping well through the night while we're away and that's the main thing.

After brekkie in the B&B we headed out to Kenmore. I had wanted to visit the Crannog Centre but as Ethan had fallen asleep on the way over, we contented ourselves with a drive around Loch Tay. It's stunning scenery there and hubbie was very patient when I went for a wee daunder by myself down on the banks and took a lot longer than I said I would.

We then drove over to Highland Safaris where we had lunch and took Ethan to feed the deer. He got to stroke one too and is was lovely to get up so close to them. He also enjoyed watching people "panning for gold".

Apart from his nap early on in the day in the car, he hadn't had any other snoozes and was clearly tired. So when we got back to the B&B, hubbie went for a lie down and I took Ethan for a walk. However, as always happens when I want him to sleep, he wouldn't drop off! Back to the B&B it was then, so we could get ready for our friends wedding later in the afternoon.

Ethan looked so cute in his kilt and the venue was gorgeous. It was out in the open on a hilltop farm with stunning views. Luckily the weather was fab too so the bride and groom had the perfect day! Ethan finally fell asleep on the way up there and woke up half way through the service. He proceeded to charge around all evening and got so many "awww isn't he cute in his kilt" comments from other guests! I took him back to the B&B at 8.30pm, before he started to get too overtired and grumpy, while hubbie stayed on a few hours longer.

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