Moo-sic on the Funny Farm!

I went to Edinburgh today on the train with Mum and Dad. We went to the Singing Kettle at the Festival Theatre. It was all about Farmer Snooze and the animals on his Funny Farm. As you can see, I went as a cow! We had a lovely lunch in the Scottish Cafe first, before heading up to the theatre. Daddy carried me on his shoulders, and I made lots of people smile. One man who saw me said, "look, a flying coo!".

When we left the theatre, it was raining very heavily. In fact, there was a big thunderstorm. I like thunderstorms. Thunder is just a loud noise. We had to go all the way home with wet shoes and wet trousers!

Dad has uploaded some more photos of today to Flickr, including one of me watching footage of the launch of Atlantis, the last ever shuttle mission. I made him play it at least a dozen times for me this morning.

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