Simplyamoment Photography

By Simplyamoment


Today has been an interesting day,I woke up at 5 am,because hubby has to go away on a work trip and an early morning flight to catch :(

I finished my regular chores,took pictures for today's blip post,made myself some tea and started catching upon some designing articles..everyday we came across something which is inspiring,informative, I thought why not share it with others and that small thought grew into a Blog within minutes..I am still tweaking around the blog design and really excited to post some good content.I am a designer,I am good at designing clothes,on the writing upfront well I scribble now and then but I am not an enticing blogger..but hey someone once said "Writing comes more easily if you have something to say"and I have so much to say and share :) Wish me Luck :)

okay coming to the Blipworld,another post using diptych technique..I am just loving diptych and Eat Your Peas,they are good for your heart..

oh I almost forgot to share,this is my sweet 50th post :)

checkout yesterday's post - LOVELY ALYSSUM

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