Birthday Day!

Spence and I were up early and had scrambled eggs with Dad and my niece Tia. We then drove into the city, I had a blood test then we went to Cheryl's house to drop Spence off. I met Kaz at Ikea and we had some lunch then walked through the maze of furniture!! We picked up a few things for our holiday house but the bunks we wanted weren't in stock. We then drove out to Knox and went and saw 'Bridesmaids' at the movies. It was ok, a couple of pretty funny bits and one hilarious part where I was laughing so hard that I had tears coming out of my eyes!!

We then went to our friend's, Julie and Brendan's house for tea. We hadn't seen them in a while so it was great to catch up. We played games and will stay the night as I have to go to work in the morning and Kaz was supposed to be going sailing. Cheryl isn't feeling well though so Kaz is going to to pick Spence up in the morning.

I took this photo this morning before I left Mum and Dad's house. It is the ice on the top of the car glistening in the sun!

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