Dreaming in Blues

By SapphireDreamer

Clouds in my Coffee

...not really. Just looks like one got mis-painted on the wall.

Zanesville again for another doctor's appointment. While sitting in the examination room waiting for the doctor to make an appearance, I looked over at the window and saw this mis-painting of the wall. Then I looked closer at the black ledge and saw a reflection of the 'cloud' and the blinds. Add the stripe of light and I thought it was blip-worthy.

Thanks to everyone who commented on my 100th blip (2 days ago). I really appreciate the support and I got to wear my favorite hat! :D Thanks again!

It's FRIDAY! Enjoy your weekend, all!

*updated for yesterday too. Check it.

And now...the highly anticipated return of my writing. I'm currently calling this one 'Music' and it's a work in progress, but more my type of writing than the 'girl with her camera' stuff. Lemme know what you think. The story is still open to changes. And remember, this is a story, not drawn from my life or anyone I know. This is entirely a work of fiction. Any likeness to actual events or people is entirely coincidental and completely possible.

The lights went down. Anticipation made my heart pound in my chest.
The stage was suddenly bathed in a pale white light and my eyes were drawn to the guy at the mike. He looked like one of heaven's creatures, come down to earth for a bit of fun.
His dark hair caught the light and drew it in, emitting a glow that seemed to form a halo. His gorgeous lips were curved into a smirk, as if he knew a secret the rest of the world was not privy to. He opened his eyes and grinned at the crowd. His amazing green eyes sparkled with mischief and at that moment, I would have done anything to make him mine.

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