Re-Vision: A Photo Journal

By shellkaysm

Angry Lil Dragonfly

Just when I thought I had my pretty butterfly picture all set to upload, this lil dragonfly flitted across my sight and perched on the Canna. It seemed to be taunting me to take his picture, and finally I gave in. I got the card out of the laptop, put it back in the camera, and snatched a few shots. When I viewed them, I realized how angry of a face he had. Kind of looks like part clown, part grumpy little old man face!

I'm working on figuring out how to use my macro settings this morning, something I've been meaning to try. I got the butterfly and a bee fairly well, after a great deal of tinkering, but I clearly have lots more practice and learning to do. Will be interesting to see how my photos (hopefully) improve through the journal days ahead.

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