Lali's World

By Lali

A beautiful view from Jarlshof


My last day in the Shetlands and the weather was awful in the morning. It was raining and there was quite a strong wind as well.

I went out in my waterproof outfit. Got the bus to Sumburg again, but this time to go and see puffins! On the way to the cliff where the puffins were supposed to be, I stopped at Jarlshof, a really ancient settlement with a 4,000 year old history! Not even archaeologists know if this site had been abandoned when the vikings arrived. This settlement has a very interesting history and the stone structures inside give you an idea of how the settlement was structured and people lived at the time.

After this tour, I went to that cliff that you can see at the back, surrounded by mist. There's a lighthouse there but it's hidden behind the fog. At the cliff, there were already a group of bird enthusiasts with huge cameras trying to get pictures of the wildlife. Unfortunately, my camera is not that great, so I had to content myself with just taking a few and not very good pictures of puffins. But I saw the puffins and I was happy!

When I got back to Lerwick, I took the ferry to Bressay in the hope of seeing some seals. I saw none, unfortunately! I saw sheep, cows, ducks, shetland ponies, all sorts of different birds I don't know the names of, puffins, but no seals! Never mind!

Got my stuff and got to the ferry to head back home. Bye bye Shetlands, I love you even under the pissing rain! :)

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