snapped by a curious mind

By iphigenie

Urban Camo

If I freeze you won't se me. Or will you? Do I run or am I safe? And whats that you're holding? is it food? doesnt smell like anything... oh crap i'm too close!

When asked to pick what I would be if I were an animal, one answer I often give is the squirrel - there is a combination of extreme curiosity, fearful timidity and total kamikaze crazyness in a squirrel that I find quite attaching.

Although to me a squirrel is red with a busy tail and weird tufty ears, not these grey ones, but they are squirelly too :D

More squirrelly pics

Other answers I would give are a wolf, an otter, a seal (or a platypus when i want to be quirky), dog or coyote when i want to be tricky, camels or llamas, an eagle or falcon for the soaring, a ferret or some other rodent... :D

I almost wanted to make a blip mixing Pipp's toad and avos' toadstool

update: i figure I'd have some fun looking up the sybolic meanings attached to squirrels, since i choose it so often :)
* Energy, activity
* Play
* Prudence, preparedness
* Balance
* Socializing
* Preparation
* Resourcefulness - the idea of insurmountable obstacles is not part of Squirrel's viewpoint; nor is giving up.

* Ask yourself are you too active, not active enough, afraid of enough,
hung up on accumulating and collecting
* lighten your load of things that are unnecessary ? things that you have gathered in the past and may be cluttering your life
* Squirrel tend to be a little erratic ? trying to do many things at once. Take the time to stop and listen to your inner self ? and don?t forget to play!

No complaints here :)

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