
By wingpig

for every action...

...there is an equal and opposite reaction. Similarly for every pose there is an equivalent rear-facing anti-pose which might have the opposite effect to that intended to be captured by the primary photographer. The moral of the story is to not stick your arse out towards the central atrium of the modern art gallery when there are people with cameras lurking there looking for people behaving amusingly whilst waiting for their parents to turn up so that they can all go for a coffee. An important lesson everyone should be aware of. Perhaps the second-place bloke standing all alone in the floor of the atrium holding a sign advertising tours of the gallery could tell people this if anyone bothered to pay for such a tour. As everyone was probably narked at having had to pay one euro for entry when all the guide books said it was free on Sundays it is likely he went on his tour all by himself.

This diet is definitely getting to me despite getting out for a nice fast early-morning walk this morning. I can feel five days' worth of sausages hanging around eyeing my subcutaneous adipose layers speculatively. A couple of the drippingly fatty Nürnburgerwürstchen from Friday night have probably got their mortgage-in-principle certificate and listed a note of interest whilst the herb butter from my steak this evening has been picking out a nice artery.

Ooops... the wee blokey from the desk is hanging around in the background. Perhaps I had better go although I'm meant to be checking to see if the flight times for tomorrow are the same as they were when booked. Maybe in the morning...

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