My Angle

By myangle

Panduanus Beach - Dusk

This is a blatant piece of HDR. Three shots in one. Normal, two stops over and 2 stops under. Layers, layer masks, dodging, burning, curves (x3), etc, etc. I love Photoshop.

I got the idea for this shot when we were looking at the OSX desktop images at work one day. There is one very similar to this amongst them.

My aim was to shoot for black and white but in the end a mix of colours sold me. I like it, and I spent half an hour on the beach watching the night gather, occasionally leaning over and taking a shot. Great fun.

Today was a chore. I started to feel a bit off colour on the train and by the time I got to work I had full blown tummy cramps. The rest of my day was spent alternating between nausea, clenching, sweating and shivering. It was so bad that I called Jo and asked her to come and pick me up from work at the end of my shift. The train was not looking like a comfortable option.

Tonight I am feeling better though...So much so that I am have some medicine while I type this up.

If you know what I mean.

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