My Angle

By myangle

Sunrise - Lode Creek

This morning I was here and three hours drive and a snooze later I was here.

This morning (and last night) I was freezing. This afternoon I was enjoying some refreshing ocean spray.

What a difference a day makes.

After a fair amount of rum last night, followed by some port, I managed to wake up well before the sun to go and look for a blip. It was 1 deg/c and there was a fairly good frost on the ground. No exactly what I am used to living in Brisbane. It was cold. I took a summer duvet with me and even with it folded in half, I froze last night. Silly me really. The fire was roaring in the lounge. I should have just upped and slept there.

So I left early and was home by 11am. Snooze time. Then I hitched the boat up and headed out on the bay. Jo tagged along. The contrast between this morning in Stanthorpe and this afternoon on the bay was beyond comparison. The ocean was calm and the setting sun was warm. Jo sat up the front. We did cop some spray from a bit of over zealous navigating but apart from that it was a great jaunt on the bay. As usual, no fish were caught. I have left the crab pots out overnight though.

This photo is inspired but this one by Anonymoose. I remember when I first started out with the blip that this was the kind of photo that I wanted to take. Now almost a year on I managed to be in a location that lent itself towards what I wanted. The mist was quite thin but as the sun rose it got much thicker very quickly. Then it dispersed just as fast.

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