
It turned out to be quite a manic day today, starting with shedmonkey and her daughter and son-in-law coming round to our place at eleven in order to meet abi and her crew. Henry was as good as gold and Archie happilly smiled and cooed after being bottle-fed and then producing the loudest and longest burp ever created on this planet.
The conversastion flowed well and everybody got on famously. Sometime in the afternoon, the tea-and-cake party finished and flick and I popped off to Dunstable Downs for some nice scenic shots. We hadn't actually been there before, but until we got there I was convinced we had. Flick, on the other hand was convinced we hadn't.
She was right. We hadn't.
It was nicely high up with a view that went on for miles. It was a little dull and colourless, but lovely and warm and still so no gliders or kites. We took over a hundred shots each, but I finally decided that my best one was the first one I took today in the house.
Well tired now - looking forward to getting back to work for a rest.

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