Dreaming in Blues

By SapphireDreamer

For the Children

Gave my first two lectures today.

First class was a bit of a disaster. I overestimated how much information I had, so I started off rushing through the material. Ended up running about half an hour early (in an hour-long class) and had to get discussion for the last fifteen.
The professor I'm interning with (and who critiqued me) said that I did well (except for the timing). I dunno. I found other flaws.
The second lecture went really well on my part, but the class dynamic was really different. This class refused to answer any of my discussion questions and just kinda sat there staring at me.

So in the end, I gave the worst lecture to potentially the 'better' class and the best lecture to the class that refused to participate.
I definitely learned a lot and will be applying what I learned in my next set of lectures, this Friday.

After class, I finally got my car that oil change and new wiper set he's been needing and the dealership had a lego table set up. So of course I played.

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