A spoonful of sugar

By Poppins

Grey clouds on the lagoon

What a sky this morning on the lagoon....well...all over Venice and mainland!
We are having a very english weather over here ;)....first these clouds...and then the rain arrived... then the sun again....a bit windy...a bit humid...all in ONE DAY!

Anyway....however is the weather....i think the view of the lagoon is always fascinating...so cool to just sit and watch....seagulls flying....private boats going fast (too fast than the speed limit), the vaporetti full of tourists, the gondole with gondolers training and exercising....(i think also for competitions like the "Regata Storica" or the "Vogalonga"!) ...always lots going on in the lagoon...and so far...i hope u enjoy this view with me!;)

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