Seeing is believing

By hoover

That's me!

Thought I'd do a self portrait today (somewhat distorted!)

This sculpture in Saltwell Park is made of stainless steel and is by the Newcastle artist Stephen Newby. Its official name is 'This Way Up' but I call it 'The Crisp Packet'.

Apparently 'the sculpture intends to set up contradictions of form, material and scale. The shiny curvaceous metal skin gives the illusion of an ephemeral state - the 'play' of light on the surface creating a shifting and inconstant presence... surroundings are reflected in the surface of the work, moving as we move, allowing us to become part of it. The sculpture invites the viewer to re-examine and question what they see and experience, to explore the meanings and values we attach to surfaces themselves'.
It certainly does do all of that.

I'm going to make the most of the sun today. I just love the sun!

Had a nice time in the park this morning, am about to sit outside and read, then later today I'm going to Emma's to have a drink in her new garden. I've never known such a quick house move. Emma only viewed the property on Wednesday then moved in and did her garden up on Friday!

Hope the weather is nice where you are too. Enjoy it!

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