Family Dog

By Family_Dog

monster tent...

We decided that our wee tent would no longer cut the Family Dog shaped mustard. It's fine for jakey camping (of which we intend to do more of later in the summer, minus boyface) and festival camping but it's not fit for baby.

Having taken all the lovely advice on board (thank you one and all) we decided to get a monstrosity - well, we didn't set out to get a monstrosity but it seems that if you want a tent that you can stand up in and provides enough floor space in the bedroom bit for a double air matress (what?) and a travel cot then there's only one thing for it....

You need the Monstrosity 2000.

Being short arses, we can stand up in it and stretch our hands as high as we can and not touch the ceiling (no more slimy cold backs from staggering about trying to get jeans and wellies on in the middle of the night). It has 2 bedroom bits (so The Dog has a Dog house if he steps out of line) and the porch is big enough for a decent sized table and chairs (so thoroughly un-necessary at the moment!).

All in all it is a beast of a tent, but it is a home from home and that's exactly what I wanted. Albeit a home that will make me hang my head in shame for being such a camping sell-out.

Ocht, but still - as much as I am acting all fab and groovy about taking Arlo campampamping, I am a bit nervous about it. You know all the usual worries such as dying of hypothermia, being eaten alive by bears/midges/hungry campers and so I thought if I got a great big comfy tent then I won't worry. The proof is (of course) in the pudding.

Or as I once said 'the evidence is in the pie'.

I forget these sayings I do.

Right. Off to our friends for a few drinky pops.

Tomorrow is a special day. It's Dog's Birfday and we're going out for a meal WITHOUT the boy. Yikes.

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