A Plumbers Wife!

By hebsjournal

Indiana Jones and the dustbin of garden waste

James wanted to be the star of my blip journal tonight. He is obsessed with Indiana Jones at the moment, so pinched off with Corin's hat, made a whip by using his yoyo, and got out one of his plastic toy guns. "Mum, take a photo of me to put on blip tonight". "Oh, no, hang on, let me just get in the right position". Kids!!!!

Back to yesterday's blip - I am well and truly gobsmacked at the response my blip got yesterday - its the most number of hits and most number of comments that I have ever had. All for an idea that came to me when I woke up, after a somewhat dodgy night's sleep - worrying about what my 100th blip would be!!!! oh, the irony!

1. James is desperate to have his own journal - without me looking at the rules and regs, can he have one??? (he has his own camera and he would be supervised!)

2. I'm trying to figure out what the best piece of photo editing software is. I've downloaded a trial of Lightroom, which I am quite liking, but I'm not 100% convinced about. What does everyone else use or recommend? (I'm still using my old version of Paint Shop Pro 8 which to be fair, does what I want it to do, and also using the tools in Picasa, which is a damn site quicker and more effective than PSP8!!!! For an ICT teacher, I am pretty behind with the old graphics software)

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