
By pippiline

The wheels on the bus go round and round......

Got on the bus at 10:30 in the morning and got off it again at 22:00.

Took some pictures through the window, but they didn't turn out very good.

This was the clearest although taken a bit too close as I missed the front and the back. But I don't care. I just took the picture because I've never seen an orange helicopter and definately not parked in the middle of der Autobahn. We had been driving for a looooooong time and only seen motorcycles driving in the oposite direction, with people standing at the side of the road and very crowded on all the bridges. I never really found out what was going on, but later on we saw that there had been an accident with some bikes on the asphalt. I assume that's why the helicopter was "parked" a bit away from there. We were all puzzled what event could be big enough that they would keep all the cars away from der Autobahn on a sunday with lots of people either going on vacation or coming home from vacation.

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