Where do we go from here?

In the style of...

There are several blippers who do toys on occasion, but the two I'm thinking of here, I know pretty well. They seem to have an encyclopedic collection of action figures (and knowledge of said action figures), and both have - in their slightly different ways - produced some beautiful shots where you almost forget that the subject is a toy, and not a living, breathing model.


I'm really enjoying this assignment - I might have to make it a recurring feature here. The idea of trying to disassemble what makes someone else's personal style unique - and then produce some approximation of that myself - has been a thoroughly enjoyable challenge. It's inspired me to go beyond the comfy chair of my usual creative boundaries, and produce some things that I probably wouldn't have otherwise.

Thank you to whichever blipfoto boffin had the idea!

**Another one back-blipped here.

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