How Quaint

Headed over to Pittenweem today - great Arts Festival on there.

Initially I was going to post the narrow focus fern shot ........ but then I came across the cleaners bothy.

It is years since I have seen a street cleaner in the Lothians let alone their own bothy.

We walked into the jewelers house where he sells his work during the festival (this is the guy who made the tiara for daughters wedding) and SWMBO was immediately offered a glass of wine.

Me ......... I got handed a bundle wrapped up in black velvet and was told to go somewhee and photograph it - he didn't care where ...... just photograph it.

I went across the road to the edge of the harbour and opened the bundle and found the bowl that he has been making for the last 3 years.

I took a few shots for him and then thought I should take it back - after all, it is on sale at £15,000.

He made daughtes tiara for her wedding out of the same metal (Niobium) with a solid silver centerpiece which had been designed by No1 son. Son-in-law also had the same design as a brooch on his plaid.

The man is a gem - but he costs me a bloody fortune because we always buy stuff from him when we see him. Today I bought another pair of cufflinks from him (another days Blip maybe).

We saw quite a few other exhibits - some very pretencious othes very down to earth. I liked the photographs of the major storm in March with the huge waves coming over the harbour walls (at 54 High Street - not venue 54).

Another one I rather liked was a huge circle of 1000 beach worn pebbles by a Japanese artist. They all have something and a number painted on them. It is partly on the harbour and partly in it. The artist exspects the stones to be moved/removed by tide and people and if it is Gods wish, then at some time in the future they will all come together again.

Go and see it if you can.

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