
Today was probably the closest I have come to not doing a blip at all. Time was not on my side so this was the best effort I could do on my way to work.

This is Jo's little car. It is a Toyota Corolla Toyoglide, 1100cc, 2 speed automatic. She rolled off the production line in 1973. Jo recently found a note on a windscreen with a fairly sizable cash offer for her. Why? Well this particular Corolla is quite rare. Apparently people like to strip them down and drop 1600cc turbo charged engines in them.

Well, that won't be the fate of this one if Jo has anything to do with it. She might get restored one day but for now Jo uses her to commute the kilometre or so to work every day. Actually at the moment I am using her to commute the 120 kilometre round trip to work. Just this week only though!

She doesn't blow smoke. She costs next to nothing to run. She is easy to service. Why would we want to sell her?

Mind you, I have heard that Japanese collectors will pay a small fortune for them...

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