My Aim is True


Taking the piss

I know that I am droning on about roadworks as much as a taxi driver, but I could swear that this morning on the way to see a client there were none on Ferry Road, but an hour later a huge stretch of the road seemed to have been dug up, with the ubiquitous "temporary" traffic lights in place.

I must really shut-up about it, or I could start to sound like Eddie

I worked until about 9 tonight, and the thing I resent about it, is not the working late on a Friday - it's the walking home. Walking passed two drunken burst sausages staggering into some meek and unsuspecting tourists. Having to listen to the noises of the boy racers revving their engines (my MP3 ran out of juice, so I had to listen to the sounds from all the ne-er-do-wells en route). And trying get passed the local jakey staggering about with his white lighning. And the drunks pissing in the street - this bloke relieved himself into the Cowgate (note to self, do not walk through Cowgate at night, without an umbrella).

Thought I may rent a film in the (excuse) for a DVD hire shop - why do they have 33 different DVDs of Friends - surely there is now no place in the world where you can't turn on a TV to find an episode of Friends playing?

Rant over! On a happier note the sign has gone, so hopefully the gentleman in question now has all the necessary tools for a great coiffure.

Once home opened a cabarnet sauvignon and tucked into a Ruby. Phew, relax.

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