Dreaming in Blues

By SapphireDreamer

Pretty Piggy

Found this little gal as you see her.

Where was she?


*full site view

Thought about picking her up, keeping her and letting her stay with another little one I found, then remembered:
- not a big 'pink' fan
- don't really need/want a stuffed pig
- not sure why she was tossed (maybe she's a smelly one)

So, she stayed where I found her.

But look at that face!

Just updated from Tuesday.

Friday story update...

Reminder that this is a story, not drawn from my life or anyone I know. This is entirely a work of fiction. Any likeness to actual events or people is entirely coincidental and completely possible.

Where we left off last week...

School...work...and...it was him! I quickly clicked on the email and began to read...

I'd first like to apologize for the timing of this promised email. Our schedules have been absolutely crazy and I had a bit of trouble finding an internet cafe that wasn't packed. So hopefully you're still free Saturday night for the party I told you about. It's going to be at 380 Magnolia Way. The host's name is Jared and I told him you'd be coming.

I hope this isn't too forward of me, but the band is staying in town over the weekend and we have Sunday off. I was wondering if you'd like to hang out with me, maybe grab a bite to eat and just hang out for a little while. If you're not free, I understand. It is short notice, afterall.

Anyways, I really hope to see you at the show and have my fingers (and toes) crossed that you'll be free and willing to hang out on Sunday. You can give me your answer at the concert if you can make it. If not, you now have my email address and we can stay in touch that way if you'd like.

Again, really hope to see you Saturday night and Sunday afternoon. And now I have to go because some guy is glaring at me. Seems I've taken "his" computer.

Oh! Almost forgot! The party is themed. It's a "Dress like a Mess" theme. Alright. Have to go. (Fingers, toes, eyes, legs, arms crossed).

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