The Photo Diary of Alison

By alisoncrawford

Day 2

We woke up pretty early today so that we could make it down to free breakfast at the hotel. We then made our way to the subway station in Samsung Plaza and bought a rechargeable metro card, and decided to go to the royal palace in old Seoul. We met this really nice older man named Ko, who decided to change his entire day for us, so that he could come along with us and show us where he gets in cello and his painting that he was having framed in a gallery. Joe and I MUST go back to the art district so that we can get a few things for our baren walls. We had coffee with Ko, he gave us his contact info, and then we walked to the Palace. We made it in time for the changing of the gaurds, and then paid to go inside the palace. It was really beautiful, and nice to see something old. haha. It made me want to build a time machine so that I could see the Josan ( I think that's right) dynasty first-hand. We left the palace and decided to go walk around the area we'd be living in in a few days before we were to back to our hotel. I am not sure I can walk to my school, I will probably have to ride the bus, unless I ride a bike and find a better way to get there. Currently we are relaxing back at the hotel, and I am already so tired. Here it is 7:14 pm on Monday, so these blips are actually the wrong date. My camera was still set to Texas time, so my next blip will be Korea time. Oh, and the toilet in our hotel room rules!

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