
By Shin

Selfportrait mondays 33::52

As all in Britain will know, is that today was a bankholiday. Normally when my hubbie goes to work, he's gone before the kids are awake. Today he went to the supermarket at a much more leisurely time, but the kids said goodbye, as if he was off for a week at least.

Thanks everybody for the well wishes on Saturday. We spend a very nice day in Cardiff. I mislaid my transferwire to connect my camera to the computer, so I'll be backblipping yesterday soon

****** edit *********
I chenged teh picture, because I suddenly realised it's Monday SP day
Here is a link to the original picture I had up.

I actually forgot about the SP, but we had my brother in law + family visit. I don't dare put them online, because once I got told off by my sister in law that I put a picture of her child online. So a cropped part of the groupphoto we took

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