LL Cool Jim

By LLCoolJim

Our Leith correspondent for Entertainment USA

"Yes, that's Global News, 95 South Bridge" - somebody just said that, within earshot, as I was thinking about this. No shit.

So the BBC put together a piece on their website a couple of days after my post linking to Michael Moore's beware-of-Democrat's-potential-pie-selling-pitfalls. BBC echoes the late election threat.

Yesterday, Obama made his opening Kennedy-esque speech. Proper 60s anti-Vietnam war rally, Jefferson Aeroplane, Dr. MLK, Creedence Clearwater Revival stuff.
Indeed, twas the 45th anniversary of MLK's famous "I have a dream" speech.

Meanwhile the situation in Eastern Europe and the threat of new communism in our ancient continental civilisation plays into the Bushy-McCainy-Rummey-Cheney Axis.

A communist China (in need of energy but producing a war-machine at a rate unmatched anywhere) hooking up with energy-rich (potential new) communist USSR must unsettle redneck-yanksville something awful. Who do they want to deal with that? Sandalista flower power or hard-lined 'nam vet?

I blame the Chinese winning the Olympics. That and their ancient proverb/curse "May you live in interesting times".

The Russians have been playing this capitalist game for 17 years and they still can't get to the top. Biggest country with some serious assets and yet they still can't say they've got the biggest cock. Shall we try that communism thing again?

I (well, screwball-conspiracy-Jim) actually said last week to a work colleague that I thought Putin had agreed with Bush to stir some shit up and let us all believe we'll soon be "on the brink" a la the 60s' Bay of Pigs (with help from court jesters like David Millband now too). McCain gets in through the back door.

I swear - today another fella at work tells me that on Radio 4 last night he'd heard Putin saying he thought that Bush had been making the Georgia situation worse than it was to help McCain into the White House!!
Screwball-conspiracy-Jim thinks this is a double-bluff and Putin's still in on it. ;o/

I actually don't know what I wish were true - that there is big beef on the way for real and Obama gets in any way or my (some might say ridiculous (until now!)) conspiracy theory where McCain gets in and the superpowers are all pals again and join up for a new Middle-East "inspection" (ie flatten Iran).
If we could just pick and choose, I'd have Obama in and superpowers all pals again (and maybe leave the Iranians alone).

The thing that the hundred million or so Americans who don't vote maybe don't realise is: every person in the whole world has a stake in this shit.

Whatever happens, (and I hope someone in the Obama camp can shoe-horn this significant date into their, up-until-now, decent political-spin), December 10 2008, dead centre between US election day and Inauguration day, is the 60th anniversary of the most translated document in the whole world - the Universal Declaration of Human Rights..

Remember that? Fucking pest innit, fellas? (Well, it should be.)

Read those 30 articles again, gentlemen.

nb. No Guantanamo/Burma/Georgia caveats.

Jeez, sometimes I think we'd be better off letting a bunch of women loose on running this caper.

And on that note, and lyrically appropriate for this topic, Dame Shirley, take it away.....

The word is about, there's something evolving,

whatever may come, the world keeps revolving

They say the next big thing is here,

that the revolution's near,

but to me it seems quite clear

that it's all just a little bit of history repeating ;o)

The newspapers shout a new style is growing,

but it don't know if it's coming or going,

there is fashion, there is fad

some is good, some is bad

and the joke is rather sad,

that its all just a little bit of history repeating

- and I've seen it before

- and I'll see it again

- yes I've seen it before

- just little bits of history repeating

Some people don't dance, if they don't know who's singing,

why ask your head, it's your hips that are swinging

life's for us to enjoy

woman, man, girl and boy,

feel the pain, feel the joy

aside set the little bits of history repeating

- just little bits of history repeating

- and I've seen it before

- and I'll see it again

- yes I've seen it before

- just little bits of history repeating

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