snapped by a curious mind

By iphigenie


Yesterday's blip: rocket dog

One of the jobs on the list of jobs-I-shouldn'-have-to-do-but-end-up-doing (not to be confused with the list of jobs-I-should-be-doing-but-am-not-because-i-am-doing-things-i-shouldn't-have-to-do, some of which are rather urgent) is trying to move forward the renovation of the top floor of the house, which kind of fell stuck when the guy who was in charge of the renovation vanished 2 years ago after his wife left him (all the other people he had hired just scattered without finishing the work, we are still trying to get our doors delivered - which were paid for - etc.). So every day last week I tried to do a bit of cleaning/priming/painting.

This here is the inner bit for a small hand held bucket which is handy for jobs with a paintbrush or a small roller. It has changeable plastic sleeves like this so you can swap paint etc. Very handy :D

So this Sunday, when I should be doing the accounts, and the tax return, or working on income generation (savings are shrinking), or if anything wasting time on reading, photography, drawing, playing games... I was painting a shower room ceiling in a light grey eggshell paint ('feng shui' by ecos, great paint by the way!).

I actually don't mind painting at all, in reasonable doses it is quite soothing a job. I do get aches and even migraine if I do do too much and paint for a whole day, as my shoulder and neck muscles go ballistic at the unusual effort. Maybe it will get better with time.

This kind of DIY isnt that hard to do, it just needs time and some attention - you cant do a half-hearted, distracted job of painting or filling holes and cracks, not if you want something decent at the end.

There's plenty more after this ceiling, old beams to get out of black lacquer and into something a little nicer, several walls, some plaster ornaments I probably could fix, an old sash window.. Been reading up and found out how to deal with a lot of our issues. But it is time consuming and I have stuff to do, not to forget also some job seeking...

Anyway, should do the accounts tomorrow... and paint some more.

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