Mrs Evil Goat

By MrsEvilgoat

Old Man

Spent a soggy day climbing Green Gable followed by Great Gable. Right in the weather at the top so had no views but a good time was had by all. Highlight of the day was all of us squishing into Mike's bothy to eat our sandwiches - v cosy!. ropped into an outdoor shop in Keswick on the way back to the cottage to see if anything can be done with my ill fitting hiking boots. Met the most knowledgeable foot fiend and spent 2 hours in there trying to get kitted up with new boots but came away empty handed. I have mutant feet and posed quite a challenge for him! When seated my right foot is size 7, however this grows to a size 8 when I stand up (elongation!). My left foot sitting down is a 7 1/2 but stood up also grows to an 8. Very bizarre and annoying. He reassures me there is a boot out there for me but God knows where it is!!

This evening we had an amazing meal cooked by Katie and Andrew - antipasti, roast pork and all the trimmings followed by Tiramisu and about 8 different cheeses and biscuits with port. M convinced there is a link between port and cheese consumption and gout!

Cottage is just perfect. Other photos from the weekend

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