Northern Exposure

By Northern


Season of mists and mellow fruitfullness... aye, right! Mr Keats obviously didn't hang around in the northern isles in October.

Force 8, gusts of 60mph, hail, thunder and lightning. Plus of course some crisp sunshine and big rainbows just to complete the picture.

Know what? I love this weather!

Even if it makes things difficult, like will I actually get off the islands tomorrow as planned? Or will I be able to cross the barriers this evening for a pint with friends? Or should I switch all the electrical things in the house because of the lightning like my Granny always did? (Then again she used to hide under the bed and I'm not going to do that cause then I couldn't go 'Ooooh' at the lighting.)

Plus it has the bonus of being an easy blip out of the window.

BTW has anyone not noticed that Joe has a very nice red balloon. Well done Mr Blogs.
And waterliefje too and probably loads of others that I've not found yet. Congrats to all!

And as I type the sun is shining again.

And this
has come on the radio... just to welcome blip back!

And I'm going to go now before I spout any more rubbish.

Update - 3.19pm
Hail now bouncing off the roof and covering the ground in white. Windowsills look like the fake snowy ones from old B&W movies.

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