Country File

By marypot


I love this photo so much. Only a week ago we were clapping with glee when Grace took a few steps and now? Well, now she's OFF! We went to the village today to help celebrate the second birthday of Pebbles Art Cafe. There was a medieval band (complete with horse) in the village square as we arrived. The art cafe itself was buzzing with activity, and Grace and I enjoyed a lovely lunch there, and bumped into a few friends and some of the children from school. Then we went across to the church hall and the church itself, where more art was on display and crafts were for sale. A folk band was playing in the church hall and Grace adored the sound. She danced back and forth while they played. Then she spotted the door and she was off! She just wanted to walk everywhere and I could see her growing in confidence with every step. It was just delightful and a day I will remember forever.

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