A Plumbers Wife!

By hebsjournal

Painting like a child

James has a book called "how to catch a star".

The illustrations in it are absolutely fantastic - I will look for it tomorrow to find out who the illustrations are by. The are so child like and appealing .

I decided to see if I could do something in the style of those illustrations - so played with this for an hour this evening. Its not brilliant, but it makes me happy because its simple, and its bright, and Jamie likes it.

Which is good, as I have sent him to bed 'early' without story because he decided he wanted to have an argument with me about whether it is bath night tonight - and technically, he has won, because he has gone to bed without a bad, and I feel bad as well - godammit how do kids know how to win battles like this!

I have done another painting (snaps from here), which is in progress at the moment, and I think I know where I am going with it (not to the dustbin before anyone says anything). However, tomorrow James is out for the day so instead of doing something for pleasure, I am going to mark coursework all day!

Happy half term!

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