
By P3dro

Better in print

I used to think I wasn't much good at portrait photography, but the reactions of friends to some of the stuff I've done over the past year or so has persuaded me otherwise. And because of the positive comments, portrait photography has gone from something that didn't interest me much to something I really enjoy doing.

I had a phone call from a musician friend today who wants me to do some promo shots for him. I can't wait. Its a real buzz to go through the pics after a shoot and see that you've got the light just right, a typical expression that really shows the character of the subject, a cool pose, or whatever it is that just makes a shot work.

These 2 are my nephews (or they would be if I were married, but you know what I mean). I was pleased with the shots when I looked at them on my screen. I was pleased with them when the prints came back. But when I saw them framed for the first time today, I was blown away. It makes a huge difference.

So, there it is people - if you've taken a photo you're proud of, get it printed and get it framed.

(And, Rach, if you're reading this, we'll find a way of sending it to Majorca soonish)

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