Country File

By marypot

The cat's whiskers

Come what may, Baggins was determined to be the star of today's blip. Originally I had planned to post his attempted escape from the farm earlier. Perhaps he was off to look for Hubby, who is away this weekend? Or perhaps he wanted to accompany Grace and me on our weekly shop? Who knows?

When we got home from the shopping trip, Grace decided to be very helpful by emptying the bags for me, though she in fact spent most of the time wandering around aimlessly, banging together a loaf of bread and a 6-pack of crisps. I know she was trying to be useful as she did put the crisps away for me, though sadly not in the right place.

As I was taking a photograph of Grace being 'helpful', Baggins went up on his hind legs and rubbed against my hand, just to get his whiskers into shot. He is such an attention seeker that cat, but then again we already knew that...

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