
By lhr


Today I got a lovely surprise. In the department we have a Reward and Recognition scheme whereby we vote for our colleagues who we feel have done outstanding work throughout the month. I was honoured to be given the Gold prize today. I was very taken aback when my department manager presented me with this certificate, and a choice of prizes:

- A meal for 2 at Candy Bar including a pitcher of cocktails.
- A half day with a picnic basket for 2
- A one hour session at the floatarium
- A tour for 2 at Mary Kings Close
- A years pass for Dynamic Earth
- A visit for 2 to Camera Obscura
- A visit for 2 to Edinburgh Zoo
- A chance to become "Lady" Laura
- A meal and comedy for 2 at The Stand
- A session for 3 at the Gaming Centre in HMV
- An aromatherapy massage
- 5 yoga lessons

Not a bad selection of prizes if I do say so! So, the big question is, what prize do I choose?! Please assist!!

I backblipped for last weekend, however please look at this cute shot of Bethan.


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