
By trabroun

Not a good start to the day

After passing our written papers yesterday and having had numerous discussions about chocolate, despite being on a nutrition course, as I was early for college so took advantage of the time and nipped to the local town to get some chocolate for the class
Unfortunately I was coming down the hill into a very tight right hand bend and hit a patch of mud. Then things turned into slow motion as my Punto turned into Chitty Chitty Bang Bang ? it flew with the greatest of ease off the road, up an embankment, through a fence, over a bough of an old tree into the field and got bellied in the mud
I couldn?t get out of the driver?s door so scrambled over through the passenger door.

Fortunately after an hour walking the bucketing rain to college to get a tow rope and a local garage owner, we got the car out of the field with much
?OMG you have been so lucky ? you were nearly into that tree?
?I have pulled numerous cars out of that field? ? that?d explained the patches of bark missing off the tree then? Also the numerous bits of black plastic thingys lying in the field ?aye, there have been a few cars in there before you and they have all had serious damage hen ? all need new radiators or tyres or suspension or shock absorbers or engines or just get written off ? d?ya hear what I?m saying??

Yes I hear you ( but if you care to look at my wee car ? it doesn?t look too bad I thought to myself) ?aye we?ll see when we get ta the garage?

20 mins later I drove out of the garage with nowt but a broken bumper ? boy was someone looking after me that day!

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