Ned Wine
Our Scottish contingent will have seen the title above and immediately think I'm blipping Buckfast. But no, a nice Sauvignon Blanc from NZ. Ned being a mountain there. I wonder if there's anywhere called Chav?
A day working on the chicken run and getting a firsthand account of the traffic nightmare at Fort Kinnaird shopping centre. Ouch. Glad I was just nipping in and out to M&S. And to the woman in the Focus who couldn't be bothered to let me out of the car park into the stream of traffic, having your child in the passenger seat hold your mobile phone up to your ear, with you leaning right over because said child has quite small arms, does not count as 'hands free'. No honestly it doesn't. I think the swerve you indulged in 50 yards further down the road, realising you were about to miss the turning, making me happy that I hadn't pulled up your inside (as I was also making the turning) because there was just something nagging me that you were about to do it (cyclist's intuition seems to apply itself to driving at times).
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