
By snappydancer

The day started SO well!

This is my mums house, where there will be nine of us sitting down to Christmas lunch tomorrow.

I was totally organised this morning, everything done, I even took the car to be washed. PhotoJENic and I went over to my mums where we spent a couple of hours just relaxing and chatting - lovely!

Then, at 4.45, my sister-in-law rang. She has been storing the turkey in her fridge "I've just unwrapped the turkey, it smells a bit off, can you come round and give your opinion."

So we ended up ringing/visiting 3 different Sainsburys and a Waitrose just before closing time! We ended up with a smaller turkey and a duck, we won't go hungry. But my poor old mum was 'having kittens' and is now over-dosing on Rescue Remedy!!

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