
By LuvU2

Upset Vlooi

Vlooi is 15 years old and weighs 1kg! She is upset about losing her lifelong friend, Fielies, 18 days ago! It is pathetic to see her watching the door or wandering about checking all the places where fielies used to be!

Here she is photographed next to the 45cm high coffee table in the lounge, C 'calls' Diefenbaker, our German Shepherd, to come and eat Vlooi's food, just check the bodylanguage, waiting for Diefenbaker to appear! It helped a little bit, she ate some of her food all by herself!

We are really struggling to get her to eat since Fielies passed away! She simply refuses to eat by herself, C hand feeds her, but we realise we cannot keep it up, because we have to go to SA early in the new year. and if she stays behind with somebody taking care of her, she will not accept food from their hands, much too fussy for that, so, she will have to stay used to eating by herself!

I am quite sure there is just no room for weightloss here, I mean, if you weigh only 1Kg, how much can you afford to loose?

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