A Life in the Day

By stayathomemummy

A Superfluity of Dainties

I am not a great television watcher, and rarely switch it on during the day. We have a couple of friends who have decided not to own a TV, and I often think this is an excellent idea, especially after the latest nonsense from Messrs Brand and Ross, whose astronomical wages I pay via my licence fee.

However, just occasionally, something comes along which is more than worth the money we fork out every month, and Cranford is just such an example. I have been watching it on DVD over the past couple of days whilst feeding Joshua or doing the housework, and it is sheer brilliance. The cast is incredible, and it contains such wondrous lines as "A man is so in the way in the house!", "One can be over-zealous with one's Yuletide decorations," and "I wish I did not enjoy oranges; their consumption is a most incommodious business." If you haven't seen it, you must! Period drama at its finest.

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