Carol: Rosie & Mr. Fun

By Carol

Notes on a Day

When I woke this morning I immediately realized that we finally had a ceiling of thin soft clouds high above our meadowland. On its climb up, the sun lit the under belly of those clouds in rose tones. I immediately grabbed my camera to begin today's clicking realizing that I've already shown that view, even though the clouds were not here yesterday.

Mr. Fun woke immediately after me, commented on the beauty of the day, and then trekked downstairs to brew the caffeine. Before 8:00 a.m. he had connected with the local tire store and we were on our way to drop-off his car to get the tires rotated and possibly new brakes. I did take my camera along, but forgot to point and shoot. Back home, I took my portable electric burner and cooked up some bacon and eggs on the patio (it reached 80+ degrees here today). I did photograph the eggs cooking in the pan and thought they'd go well with the pancakes that arrived on Blip's front page as we were enjoying our mid-morning breakfast, but ultimately the eggs were eliminated from today's blip.

The afternoon filled with busyness. Then the approaching evening brought a fire-colored sky that my camera captured but would be a rerun of yesterday's blip. The tire store phoned with the news that Mr. Fun's car was ready. With camera in purse and Bob dog in the car, Rosie & Mr. Fun were off to retrieve his vehicle.

So my blip for the day is a triplet: my car, affectionately named "Snow White" (and some day I'll tell why); the sign as proof that we were at the tire store; and Mr. Fun in his car ahead of me on the journey back to the place we call home. As I finish this story I remember that the evening's spaghetti with sauce was neglected by my camera. And there you have it, a routine day with hardly an ounce of creativity, but boy you should have tasted that spaghetti sauce!

Wishing you well from the dark night of Southern California,

Rosie, aka Carol

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