A Plumbers Wife!

By hebsjournal

Full circle

Dad - this made me think of you.

Bathtime when we were kids was ace - it was utter carnage and the bathroom ended up absolutely soaked, partly due to the encouragement of my dad who used to whip up the bathwater into a mass of Badedas foam. My brother and I when we were much younger used to share the bath - goggles on, hair spiked into silly shapes with shampoo. Then, when we had soaked every surface in the bathroom, we would get out and get dried by the open fire in the living room. This WAS back in the days when we didn't have central heating, nor did we have a shower - it was just a rubber hosed shower attachment that you stuck on to the bath-taps if you wanted to rinse your hair.

Glory days! There are some photos of this weekly ritual somewhere - god help me if Dad ever gets into the attic to find the photo box!

When I saw the photos of James tonight, I was struck by how alike he is to my brother at the same age. James insists on goggles on in the bath, even when we aren't washing hair! Tonight he was also throwing cups full of water around (much mopping has been done since!)...it did make for some interesting blips though :-)

Watery blips

Been off today - the headache had got worse this morning - couldn't see straight at all. It has eased off a little this evening, but its still lingering a little - James being here has helped...cheered me up.

Mass tomorrow at St William of York. Am wondering if Father Dunston will be as random as he sometimes can be....

And by the way, Aunty Val- I'm sorry I made you cry with my blip from Monday - it wasn't my intention! Glad you're back.

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